Thursday, March 5, 2009

It has begun...

Hello to all,

My hope with this blog is to share my thoughts and opinions with all who care to read. I will rant and rave about anything that comes to my mind, be it sports (which you will read a lot of on here), movies, politics, family, or anything else that I care to write about.

I have always loved to write on things I am passionate about. Hopefully doing that here will create an entertaining and insightful blog for my readers.

As for the name of the blog, I always enjoyed the conversations I had and the people I met while playing first base in high school, college, and pro baseball. I spoke with friends, foes, and people I looked up to very much while they were on first base, and while they were not always long or exciting, it always gave me a unique perspective of the game and the world around me. That is what I want to bring to this blog.

Thanks in advance for reading and talk to you soon...

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